Photos to give away in Prague

Decorate your walls for free

Dear photography friends,

If you are in Prague, we have some lovely images ready to hang on the walls or to be placed somewhere in your home, office, or anywhere you want. These photos were previously nicely printed, framed, and exhibited in various places. A contribution would be appreciated, especially for the botanical series below, because we invested in the high-quality print and the unique Awagami Japanese paper. We can hand over the photos personally in Prague.

Botanical theatre series

Small analog photos from Juli

A few photos from Miro’s travels

Update: Photos n. 4 and 5 below have been given away

1. Mexico 2. Cuba
3. and 4. — Spain
5. Toronto (Not available anymore)

Can you see any of these on your shelf/wall? Or do you know anyone who would like them? Let us know!



Saturn9 photography

is a place to think about images. We explore ideas between paper and screen. Words and light guide our photographic wandering. Welcome to our planet.